How to Fix Windows 10 Update with Error Code 0x800F0922 Issue

Jean updated on Jan 11, 2024 | Home >Computer Instruction

Error Code 0x800F0922 in Windows 10 update refers to an error with the downloading problem with the newest update of Windows 10. It also means that low System Reserved partition space is left for loading new system or the system fails to connect to Windows Update server.

Here below are relative reasons and solutions for you to repair Windows 10 update with error code 0x800F0922 issue. Read and find effective solutions to fix the problems now.

Causes for Windows 10 update error code 0x800F0922

Finding reasons or causes for Windows 10 update error codes such as 0x800F0922 will greatly help to figure out solutions for the Windows 10 update error codes issues. Here below are some major reasons for Windows 10 update error code 0x800F0922:

1. Low System Reserved partition space

When there is not enough free space for the system reserved partition, the computer will not be able to load new Windows 10 installation files with an error code such as 0x800F0922.

2. Fail to connect to Microsoft Windows Update server

Due to a VPN connection in your home or office network, the computer may not be able to connect to the Microsoft Windows Update server and then the Error Code 0x800F0922 may pop up.

3. The .Net framework installation portion of the Windows 10 upgrade fails.

Tip: Backup system and important data first before fixing error code 0x800F0922

With system backup image and data backups, it will greatly help you to avoid data loss issue or system failure error while trying to fix Windows 10 update with error code 0x800F0922 issue. And professional Windows backup software - EaseUS Todo Backup allows you to free back up and restore system and data for free within 30 days.

Step 1. To start backup, click the Select backup contents.

create file backup step1

Step 2. There are four data backup categories: File, Disk, OS, and Mail.

create file backup step2

Step 3. On the left-hand side, you'll see a list of local and network files. Selecting the files to be backed up by expanding the directory.

File backup

Step 4. Follow the instructions on the screen and pick the location where you wish to store the backup.

File backup step4

In Backup Options, click Options to encrypt the backup with a password, specify the backup schedule, and choose whether or not to start the backup at a certain event in Backup Scheme. There are a variety of customizable features available for you to explore, and you may tailor the backup operation to meet your specific requirements.

Backup options

Step 5. Backups can be stored on a local disk, in EaseUS's cloud service, or on a network attached storage device (NAS).

file backup step4

Step 6. EaseUS Todo Backup allows customers to back up data to a third-party cloud drive or the company's own cloud storage.

If you wish to back up your data to a third-party cloud drive, select Local Drive, scroll down to add Cloud Device and enter your account information.

Backup to cloud
You may also use EaseUS's own cloud storage service. Click EaseUS Cloud, create an account using your EaseUS Account, then log in to your account.

backup to easeus cloud

Step 7. To begin a backup, choose Backup Now. It will appear in the shape of a card on the left-hand panel when the backup process has been successfully finished. To handle the backup job in more detail, right-click on it.

File backup step7

When you fail to install or upgrade to new Windows system, you can restore to the previous system by restoring system image from EaseUS Todo Back without losing any data.

Tech Support: Solutions for Windows 10 Update Error Code 0x800F0922

Method 1. Extend system reserved partition space

You can try to use some professional partition manager software to extend or add space to the system reserved partition. You may try EaseUS Partition Master Free and use its resize feature to extend the system reserved partition space for fixing error code 0x800F0922 in Windows 10 update.

Method 2. Run Windows 10 Update troubleshooter to fix error code

1. Click Windows icon and press W to open search function;
2. Type: troubleshooting and press Enter;
3. Select view all when the troubleshooting window opens, select Windows update;
4. Select advanced and choose run as administrator;
5. Click Next and follow the onscreen prompts.

Method 3. Run DISM(Deployment Image Servicing and Management tool)

1. Press Windows + X and select command prompt admin.

2. Type: dism.exe /online /cleanup-image /scanhealth and press "Enter".
Wait patiently. When the scan is complete, a message "the operation completed successfully" will pop up.

3. Type: dism.exe /online /cleanup-image /restorehealth and hit "Enter".
This will take a while to run completely, but it will restore any missing or corrupted files necessary for the Microsoft Windows 10 update.

4. Restart PC again and retry to update to Windows 10 new build once again.

Method 4. Fix VPN connection problem to solve Windows 10 update error code

Disconnect network > Turn off VPN software > Run Microsoft Windows 10 Update > Restart PC > Reconnect network and turn VPN back on.

Method 5. Fix .NET framework with Windows 10 update failure issue

1. Press Windows + X and select control panel > Click cursor in the search field and search: windows features;
2. Select: turn Windows features on or offline, select the checkbox to the box next to

.Net framework;
3. Click OK and proceed with Windows 10 update again.

So if you are facing Windows 10 update failure problem with error code 0x800F0922, or if you fail to install Windows 10 update KB 3163018 with the 0x800F0922 error code, follow below-provided solutions and you'll find the relative solution for your present Windows 10 update error issues now.

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Updated by Daisy

Daisy is the Senior editor of the writing team for EaseUS. She has been working at EaseUS for over ten years, starting as a technical writer and moving on to being a team leader of the content group. As a professional author for over ten years, she writes a lot to help people overcome their tech troubles.

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Written by Jean

Jean is recognized as one of the most professional writers in EaseUS. She has kept improving her writing skills over the past 10 years and helped millions of her readers solve their tech problems on PC, Mac, and iOS devices.

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